THE most ridiculous sales going on there at the moment. Can I share the bargains I picked up over the last weekend?
Fluffy White Bathmat $3.60
Cotton cocktail napkins 20c each.

This roller blind window covering was 60% off! I seriously {heart} that! only $15.00.
What makes this even better is that I bought this one on a bit of a whim... I'm still toying with what to do with the blue powder room and thought I'd have a go at fitting this to the window - which is the good thing about roller blinds - you can cut them to size. I brought it home and I totally lucked out - it fit the window PERFECTLY - no cutting required. I was so excited, but being home alone at the time, I could only share my good fortune with the dog. She was quite obliging of my carrying-on really.... poor thing probably couldn't care less.
I also picked up some pretty fabrics for a few new throw pillows for the guest room - A gorgeous yellow stripey one and some slate grey, both 50% off. nice!
Finally, the piece de resistance of the whole shopping trip?
I spent easily an hour walking around the upholstery fabrics, trying to redeem myself after the failed chair recover project of 2009. I saw this fabric immediately, but of course, ummmed & ahhhed about it too long and got confused. In the end, I just went back to the first one. At $12.00 a metre, it was going to be another expensive stuff up if it didn't work!
But wouldn't you know it, it rang up at the insane price of only $4.00 a metre! can-i-get-a 'HELL YEAH!!'
Anywhoo - enough showing off! Hope my fellow spotlight'ers out there have managed to bag a few bargains too.
P.S. Spotlight didn't pay me to write this. I just love the joint so much I had to share.